Founded at the end of 2016 by three DJs, the band combines 80s extasy with the atmosphere of fog- shrouded, strobe-lit dance temples of the techno era. The combination of urban electronic music’s gritty drive with Julia’s French-German vocals reminds some critics of a more forceful version of Deux or Kirlian Camera: yet at the same time it creates something entirely original. Rue Oberkampf forges a bridge between cold wave, synthpunk, EBM and techno. Their live shows pull audiences into a maelstrom of sound, neon and storms of light.
该乐队由三名DJ于2016年底创立,将80年代的迷幻与科技舞曲时代的氛围、闪光灯照明的舞池结合在一起。城市电子音乐的坚毅动力与茱莉亚的法德混音相结合,让一些评论家想起了Deux或Kirlian Camera更有力的版本:但与此同时,它创造了一些完全原创的东西。Rue Oberkampf在冷波、合成朋克、EBM和techno之间架起了一座桥梁。他们的现场表演把观众拉进了声音、霓虹灯和灯光风暴的漩涡中。
How did you meet?
Julia: I first saw Damien and Michael in a club in Passau called Camera when I was fourteen years old. But we really talked and got to know each other many years later.
Michael: Damien and I know each other for a long time, but started jamming with analogue synthesizers four or five years ago, then Julia joined. The project Rue Oberkampf exists for three years now.
Julia: Before that we had an event that we put up together, it was called The Gallow Dance. It happened in Munich and Passau. We were all dj’s and that’s how we started hanging out together.
Michael: During the last event we also put synthesizers and drum machines on the stage and had a little jam session together.
찢옹랑:댐쵠람뵨乖훰街붤씹죄,뎃角愷,巧쾨품역迦던淪북냥포寧폅鯤,횔빈聾쟌輿속흙죄。 Rue Oberkampf 淃커커품綠쒔닸瞳죄힛쾨。
聾쟌輿(Julia):瞳늪裂품,乖쳬앨곗죄寧몸삶땡,냔槨 “십솥校”。 劍랙瞳캭콩붚뵨탕。 乖쳬떼角dj,侶앎角乖쳬寧폅jam뵨앨곗삶땡돨폡샙。
Do you agree on the musical influences that you want to bring to the project – or do you fight about it?
Julia: We never fought about the things we create or want to put into music. We bring different influences to the project, but the core influence we all bring in is independent dark underground music and EBM.
Michael: I like techno a lot and all that electronic stuff coming out of the late 90s Electroclash. Before that i was in indie/punk and industrial music. My gothic phase was actually pretty short. Currently, my favorite artists are Schwefelgelb, Xeno and Oaklander and I Hate Models. The kick drums from I Hate Models are really special and I quite like them.
Damien: My influences are post-punk, little bit of early death rock, dark electro like Skinny Puppy and Front Line Assembly and EBM like Front 242, Pouppee Fabrikk and Nitzer Ebb.
Michael: I think what connects us all is DAF.
Julia: We all love DAF. I also had a long Clan of Xymox phase when I was young. Before that I was into metal. During my music school I got influences from classic music and jazz. Later I had a long EBM phase.
I noticed a more minimal wave sound in your first album but now you’ve moved into contemporary dark techno.
Julia: Yes, we had this minimal wave phase. It changed over time and I’m curious what will happen on our next album.
퀭宅겝주唐뜩돨楮고? 콱삔흔부췄甘侶쟁돨끝쒼긴뺏? 퀭角뤠훰槨겝주뚤퀭돨俱多제옵콘삔슉됴? 퀭삔痰페儉훨부냘懇혤덜劍찐?
찢옹랑:乖렷끽毆뻑techno,鹿섟杰唐90쾨덜칫Electroclash끓돨든綾끓틔。瞳늪裂품,乖눼鱗돨쥴堵寧겹橄黨뗌접/툉옹뵨묏撚稜있。乖돨며景珂퍅茄셥붤똬。커품,乖離毆뻑돨論減소角Schwefelgelb,Xeno뵨Oaklander뵨I Hate Models。乖훰槨친욥북냥포齡鱗돨뒀뮬廬돨붤景깎,렷끽毆뻑劍쳬。
댐쵠갛(Damien):乖돨緞捲제관윅빈툉옹稜있,寧듐듐价空納버,獗《튄관므庫돨鬼뭍》(Skinny Puppy)뵨《품窟陋토》(Front Line Assembly)裂잚돨든섈儉,鹿섟《품窟242》,PouppeeFabrikk뵨Nitzer Ebb裂잚돨EBM。
乖鬧雷돕퀭돨뒤寧蠟淚서櫓稜있루목角섐숌든綾(minimal),뎃角君瞳돨퀭綠쒔쏵흙죄君덜붚갠돨옰세稜있루목(dark techno)。
Are you working on new stuff?
Julia: We started working on new tracks, a remix project and a 7 inch single which we will release in summer. .
Most of your vocals are in French. There’s something about French and minimal wave, right?
Julia: Yes, most are in French. I find it easier to sing in French than German but I can’t really say why. Maybe I’m not so critical when writing in French because it’s not as good as my German. We have about 70% French and 30% German lyrics and I think we will stick to those languages in the future as well.
퀭돨댕뜩鑒훙떼角랬刀。 밑黨랬刀뵨섐숌寮屢,뚤찐?
聾쟌輿:角돨,댕뜩鑒떼角랬刀。乖랙君痰랬刀나멱궐痰돠刀나멱뫘휭弄,뎃角乖廬돨꼇콘綱槨痂척。冷冀乖瞳痰랬刀畇鱗珂꼇角붤鯨烱,凜槨劍꼇흔乖돨돠刀。 乖쳬댕獨唐70%돨랬刀뵨30%돨돠刀멱늦,乖훰槨쉥윱乖쳬冷삔솽넣賈痰侶硅刀喇。
What are your favourite topics when you write lyrics?
Julia: There’s no one specific topic in our lyrics. Sometimes they focus on club nights, lights, sounds – that feeling we all miss so much right now. Usually, the topic develops during the writing of a song. It’s a totally random development. At the beginning I usually sing random words and syllables and they make no sense. Then we get so used to those sounds and the text develops later. The good example is our song “Es versucht”. The lyrics didn’t make sense in the beginning and later it developed into a song about gaslighting.
聾쟌輿:乖쳬돨멱늦櫓청唐寧몸景땍돨寮痙。 唐珂儉쳬淚鬧黨얇있꼬裂拈,됐밟,稜-侶蘆먁얾흔쏟角乖쳬君瞳떼렷끽拳쿡돨。 繫끽,寮痙角瞳눼鱗멱혓珂랙嵐돨。 侶角供홍踞샙돨랙嵐。 寧역迦乖繫끽삔나踞샙돨데늦뵨稜쌘,뎃劍쳬봐轟雷屢。 횔빈,乖쳬構발죄侶硅稜,깻瞳鹿빈역랙죄匡굶。 붤봤돨절綾角乖쳬돨멱혓Es versucht。 멱늦寧역迦청唐雷屢,빈윱랙嵐냥寧看밑黨쌘폭돨멱혓。
What is your typical workflow when starting a new song?
Damien: Most of the time we start with a sequence.
Michael: Then the three of us meet in our studio and we work together on the tracks. We start very simple, get very complex and then we strip it back. We start with a baseline and add drums, effects, automation.
Michael: The last things we do before the mix down are arpeggios, leads and final lyrics.
찢옹랑:횔빈乖쳬힛몸훙瞳묏鱗杆숨충,乖쳬寧폅클제。 乖쳬닒역迦렷끽숌데,긴돤렷끽릿憧,횔빈쉥페괆잼。 乖쳬닒됴稜窟역迦,깻警속뮬,槻벎,菱땡뺏관쭹。
When you perform, do you have a lot of room for improvisation or do you use a backing track?
Michael: Usually, it’s a mixture. We’re always trying to do live editing of some kind and we’re always trying to build new versions for live which sound a bit harsher and more direct.
Julia: Light is a big part of our performance and we do it live, too.
Michael: And of course we use a lot of strobes.
찢옹랑:繫끽角살북돨。 乖쳬寧殮瞳끼桿쏵契캐蘆近駕돨君끝긍서,깻할乖쳬寧殮瞳끼桿槨君끝齡鱗劤경굶,桂폅윱慨빎뫘속옥옻뵨殮쌈。
What is the most surreal situation you encountered on your tour?
Julia: Our second gig was in a nice festival on a farm in the middle of nowhere. It was very underground and very special with a lot of people from all around of Europe. It was an industrial festival and we were the only wave/EBM band.
The backstage was in the cellar of the house. It had two entries on both sides with stairs. The catering buffet was on the one side, and some beds for the bands on the other. Damien’s tent was just outside.
Damien: They only had children’s tents and I slept with my feet out. Around 3 am someone peed on it!
Julia: Later on, an older EMB/punk guy, who was on too much drugs and alcohol entered the backstage and almost fell on my bed and I pushed him to the other side of the room. Then he decided that the buffet would be a great bed. The table with all the food collapsed, bottles broke and the food fell down. He slept there between butter, pulled beer and other food. Unfortunately, I didn’t take a picture.
Michael: I slept next to an Italian industrial guy, Enrico, and we both woke up when the guy on the table was snoring and i can remember Julia saying „is this rockstar life?“ and Enrico answering: “yes, just much less paid.”
(everybody laughs)
聾쟌輿:乖쳬돨뒤랗끝蘿놔角瞳寧몸찾찾뼛柰櫓돨寧몸크끝쟁앨契돨寧몸쌘휑。 劍角렷끽뒈苟돨,宅윱菱킹碌몹뒈돨冀뜩훙렷끽景깎。 侶角寧몸묏撚稜있쌘,乖쳬角顆寧돨wave / EBM있뚠。
빈憩瞳렛綾돨뒈싼쟁。 劍돨좃꿋떼唐좃몸던짜炅돨흙왯。 꽜匿菱燎꽜瞳寧꿋,쥼寧꿋橙槨있뚠瓊묩寧硅눠팟。 댐쵠갛돨琅퇸앎瞳棍충。
댐쵠갛(Damien):儉쳬怜唐뭘鬼벚賈痰돨컸蘆琅퇸,乖훙慷淪죄,신瞳棍충。 쥡냄3듐璘塘唐훙瞳충힁쿱!
聾쟌輿(Julia):빈윱,寧몸쾨셩싹댕돨EMB /툉옹鬼삼綾,儉痰죄格뜩돨浪膠뵨아,쏵흙죄빈憩,뀌듐딨쭝瞳乖돨눠,乖겉儉股돕죄렛쇌돨쥼寧꿋。 횔빈儉훰槨菱燎꽜쉥角寧蠟붤곯돨눠。 戮綾돨杰唐稼膠떼돌桀죄,틸綾팎죄,稼膠딜죄苟윱。 儉瞳뼝答,퉤아뵨페儉稼膠裂쇌慷얾。 꼇妗돨角,乖청唐탠亮。
찢옹랑:乖慷瞳雷댕적묏撚훙却람쟁옰텃긋,뎠戮돨컸몸훙댔빌珂乖쳬떼今죄,乖뻘션돤蓬쟌饑瞳綱“侶角納버츠槿돨삶찐?”,람쟁옰쀼댑:“角돨,헨위좽돌 。”
Are you interested in provocation?
Julia: I was always interested in provocation.
Michael: Provoking was much easier back in a day. When you hear old Throbbing Gristle albums you can hear the provocation in their music. The contemporary stuff doesn’t have that core provocation. Provocation with contemporary bands is really, really difficult.
There’s sonic provocation as well. You can experiment with the structure of songs, unexpected turns as well as unusual sound design. Your aggressive kick drum is still a form of provocation because people are still used to the polite 909 and 808.
Julia: One form of provocation is the unexpected switch that we made from Waveclash to Christophe-Philippe. We were sure that we would lose some old gothic wave fans. It wasn’t meant as a provocation but we really stand by our ideas. We produce and don’t think too much about how some people might like it or not.
I also like to provoke about gender stereotypes. I grew up in a very small village with two brothers. I like to push those boundaries with everything I do, with how I look and with what I say.
Damien: I think maybe our band name provokes as well.
찢옹랑:鯨폅寧莖윱휭弄돤뜩。뎠퀭桂돕Throbbing Gristle돨일나튬珂,퀭삔桂돕儉쳬稜있櫓돨鯨根。뎠덜돨땜鮫청唐컸蘆뵙懃돨鯨根。宅뎠덜있뚠돨鯨根廬돨렷끽위켜。
Where does it come from? It sounds a bit sinister.
Julia: It is a street in Paris. I was there as a child sometimes with my parents. I was raised bilingual and I was disturbed by the name as a kid. It sounded hard and I didn’t understand the meaning. I didn’t know why it was called that and I didn’t ask. When we looked for a name for a band that’s a bit provocative I remembered that name and metro station. The first thing we did is to check if the name is politically correct.
Michael: We’ve had to say many times: no, we are not a Nazi band.
Julia: Nobody from the scene asked about the name but my colleagues did. They don’t know about the scene and other bands with provocative names. In this scene nobody is shocked, but outside we have to answer many questions. Christophe-Philippe Oberkampf was a German who moved to France in the eighteenth century and he created a specific type of cloth. My grandmother was a tailor and she used that material as well. So it’s a combination of my personal history and German-French sounding name that is a bit provocative.
聾쟌輿(Julia):君끝청훙狂侶몸츰俚,뎃乖돨谿慤狂죄。儉쳬꼇죄썩君끝鹿섟페儉던唐鯨根昑츰俚돨있뚠。瞳侶몸끝쒼櫓,청唐훙먁돕驢쑵,뎃角瞳棍충,乖쳬극伎쀼댑冀뜩狂痙。옹쟁薑辜뤼·렵적팹·걔껍엾팹(Christophe-Philippe Oberkampf)角寧貫돠벌훙,儉瞳18各셩盧앙랬벌,깻눼芚죄寧蘆景喝돨꼈죕。乖돨籬캡角꼴룹,劒冷賈痰죄侶蘆꼼죕。凜늪,侶角乖돨몸훙저袈뵨돠刀-랬刀랙稜돨써북,侶파야폘랙昑。
It’s nice to wake up people for a moment so they can ask: wait a moment, what is this?
Julia: Yes, I wanted to create that moment of “wait, what?” that I had as a child.
Michael: Maybe it’s time for provoking in the music again, like in the nineties when bands like Genocide Organ burned an American flag on stage. It’s time to find another way for doing something like this. Maybe… go out without a mask and hold hands with three people.
(everybody laughs again)
聾쟌輿:角돨,乖拳눼芚寧몸“된덤,痂척?”돨珂옻。 乖鬼珂빅돨珂빅侶湳拳。
찢옹랑:冷冀角珂빅疼늴샴폅稜있죄,앎獗90쾨덜獗蘆痢췻없루핵裂잚돨있뚠瞳校憩딜寧충쳄벌벌펴寧湳。 角珂빅冷돕쥼寧蘆렘랬윱隣侶湳돨慤헙죄。 冷冀〜〜꼇덖왯倆놔혼,宅힛몸훙壞癎。
Do you do live streams like some people these days?
Julia: We have a contribution for the Young and Cold Festival in May. We have a new video and a new live video. We’re not sure if streaming works for our live concerts. Maybe we will do it if we don’t have a chance to play live this year.
Damien: In my world that doesn’t make sense.
Michael: There are bands for which it suits to stand in a living room and play but our live performance isn’t going to work in a living room. We need the audience for our show, it’s not the same in front of a camera.
Julia: It would look ridiculous to put our light pyramid and strobes in a living room.
So, you’ll make a lot of music instead.
Julia: Yes, a lot of music, videos and cooperations with other artists. We have a lot of time now.
Michael: We have many gigs that are canceled or postponed due to Corona and that’s bad. But now we have time instead of stress of playing almost every weekend. We might play in November or December but we don’t know yet.
Do you like the current mix between goth and techno scene?
Michael: Yes, it’s like stuff on Aufnahme + Wiedergabe. What techno brings to the goth scene that was missing is some sort of structure and cleanliness. That is the chilling factor, when you have this dark surrounding and techno brings the structure in it.
맴씐돨稜。 侶角즈훙꼇벽랍쟘돨凜羹,뎠퀭뇹黨侶蘆붚갠돨뻔쓱櫓깻할techno쉥써뭐多흙페櫓珂。
photo by keyi.eu & interview by Involucija.org
artists : Rue Oberkampf
Clothing : Pat Guzik , Impopsible , Zlism , Berlin Bunny, Fuenf by Musina, Quadrat, The Publisher. CICI TIARA, Syntetika, The concept Store, Mykita