Fashion industry follows different rules than electronics, and with innovative technologies in material procurement and fashion design and smart materials, the world of FashionTech is growing at a rapid speed. What distinguishes the fashion industry from the electronics industry and how the new common space here can connect both industries and promote new business models.
In this edition of “Wear It Live” we invite experts from all related fields of fashion and technology to discuss the future of digital fashion and dive into the world of smart textiles.
Wear It Live是一系列全球虚拟活动,重点关注可穿戴设备和与身体相关的技术 时装行业遵循与电子行业不同的规则,并且凭借材料采购,时装设计和智能材料方面的创新技术,FashionTech的世界正在迅速发展。时装业与电子业的区别是什么,这里的新公共空间如何将两个产业联系起来并促进新的商业模式。 在本期的“实时穿戴”中,我们邀请时尚和技术所有相关领域的专家讨论数字时尚的未来,并涉足智能纺织品领域。
These are the speakers: / 这些是发言人:
Chhail Khalsa: CEO at Anuvad
Leon Szeli: Co-Founder of Presize Al
Jef Montes: Creative Director at Studio Adaptive Skins (ReFREAM)
Emanuala Corti: Co-Founder at Witsense (ReFREAM)
Giulia Tomasello: Interaction Designer at Female Intimate Care (ReFREAM)
Ganit Goldstein: 3D Fashion and Shoes Designer at Ganit Goldstein (ReFREAM)
Antje Hundhausen: Telekom
Oliver Lange / H&M Lab
Charlotte Kjellander / Holst Center
The Wear It Live event on the topic of fashion tech at Fashion Week in January 2021 will be held online as a virtual conference and is divided into three modules:
It will start with a discussion on smart clothing with representatives of established brands, research and the new designers working in the space between electronics and textiles. An exciting excursus on the new opportunities and challenges in the new field of digital fashion is expected.
Afterwards, newcomers and start-ups will present their business models and designs in pitches, with a fast rhythm across the fields of digital fashion.
Finally, the audience will have the opportunity to meet the experts directly at break-out sessions and to network with other participants of the event.
2021年1月在时装周上以时装技术为主题的Wear It Live活动将作为虚拟会议在线举行,分为三个模块: 首先将与知名品牌,研究人员以及从事电子和纺织品领域的新设计师进行有关智能服装的讨论。期望在数字时尚新领域中出现新的机遇和挑战的激动人心的旅程。 之后,新手和初创公司将在数字时尚领域以快速的节奏介绍他们的商业模式和设计。 最后,观众将有机会在分组讨论会上直接与专家见面,并与活动的其他参与者进行交流。
Here in Berlin there are fewer established rules and players, which makes the city a creative hotspot. There are few big companies here that set the rules or determine the scene. In Berlin, everyone can do what they want, which makes the city a fast-moving hotspot for ideas. The fast-paced nature of the city makes it a good ecosystem to integrate new ideas, leading to Berlin being named the start-up stronghold of Germany. To bring all these factors into the fashion world makes Berlin very interesting for me.
Further information can be found here. / 可以在此处找到更多信息。
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