Motoguo might be one of the most underrated luxury brands in the fashion industry right now.
Making something new, something different, that actually challenges beauty and style standards has never been more difficult. Immerse in an industry that works based on innovation and newness, we’re used to it, we don’t really get excited that often, we’re hard to please, hard to impress. But believe me when I say, Motoguo is WEIRD, and that is great. It makes us feel uncomfortable and in love at the same time, which although might sound conflicting, in sometimes is a combination of feelings that makes us grow and expand our vision of what we value, like, admire.
The Malaysian luxury label allows you and actually encourages you to be a dork, to be bold, to standout, to mix and match in unconventional ways and to lose fear of being weird and different. And we had the pleasure to talk to Jay Perry Ang, Director of Motoguo, about the challenges that this past year and a half have brought, and how Motoguo has navigated their journey as a unique Asian fashion project.
Motoguo可能是目前时尚界最被低估的奢侈品牌之一。制作新的、不同的东西,真正挑战美感和风格标准从未如此困难。沉浸在一个以创新和新颖为基础的行业中,我们已经习惯了,我们不会经常感到兴奋,我们很难取悦,也很难给人留下深刻印象。但是相信我,当我说 Motoguo 很奇怪时,这很棒。它让我们同时感到不舒服和爱,虽然这听起来可能相互矛盾,但有时是一种感觉的结合,使我们成长并扩大我们对我们所珍视、喜欢、欣赏的事物的看法。
马来西亚奢侈品牌允许并实际上鼓励您成为一个笨蛋,大胆,出类拔萃,以非常规的方式混搭,不再害怕变得怪异和与众不同。我们很高兴与 Motoguo 的总监 Jay Perry Ang 谈论了过去一年半带来的挑战,以及 Motoguo 作为一个独特的亚洲时尚项目如何驾驭他们的旅程。
Hi, how are you? How has the first trimester of 2021 treated you?
We’re doing good! Still adapting and making the best out of the situation, as we’ve just wrapped up our remote exhibition at Shanghai fashion week for Fall/Winter 2021..
我们做得很好! 我们仍在适应并使情况变得更好,因为我们刚刚结束了在上海时装周的2021年秋冬的远程展览。
How has the last year changed the label? Has it affected it’s projects, concept or identity in any way?
Last year has been quite the learning curve of adapting to work and communicate remotely on production and projects. Although, the industry went into an abrupt pause, we remained busy restructuring, re-strategizing and mentally adapting to the new norm. With that being said, we saw it as a blessing and a curse, as it gave us time to reflect and ponder on what we wanted to achieve for the future of our brand.
I think most people would agree motoguo is a brand with a very strong aesthetic concept. A statement brand. If you had to choose four words to describe the brand’s identity, which words would they be?
We would often relate our brand to these four keywords
romantic, peculiar, cynical, humorous.
It all began with Moto’s graduation collection, a feature by Fuckingyoung! and buyer from Wut Berlin in Tokyo. Since then, with the help of the Creative director Kinder Eng and business partner, Jay Perry Ang, the label “motoguo” was born.
What are the main sources of inspiration for the label? Are there any fixed references in all of your collections mood-boards? Something or someone that is always stuck on the studio’s walls?
Our inspirations often come from the current situation that we are facing; from there we would find the best metaphors and story for the situation to convey into our design details. We usually take inspirations from eras between the 60s – 80s, there isn’t any fixed reference as the whole universe is our reference.
Tell me a little bit about the process behind the creation of a motoguo collection… where does a collection start and when do you know it’s finished?
We start-off with our inspirations, that often come from the current situation that we are facing and from there we would find the best metaphors and story for the situation to convey into our design details. Making an intricate mind map of the theme that fits into our label’s universe and finally the creation of the silhouette and the garment itself.
What about the Fashion Industry frustrates you the most? Do you feel you have to adapt your creativity and ideas to the industry’s standards?
Before the pandemic the fashion industry was moving at quite a rapid pace but after, we saw a drastic change towards consumerism, we hope that the industry will take a slower pace instead of going through a never-ending cycle season after season and that consumers will educate themselves on the importance of sustainability and the value of buying designer pieces is beyond just the price.
motoguo seems to be a brand that’s all about bold and mismatched colours and patterns, eccentric and eclectic constructions and gender-fluid or gender-less aesthetics. Do you think fashion should go against the norm?
We don’t feel like we’re going against the norm, as fashion has always been a freedom of self-expression, as through the years we’ve been trying out different things and styles through experimentation and with those experiences, we had a clear vision of the “motoguo” figure in our brains, so we convey our language to design for his, her or their closet.
Competition or collaboration?
Hands down, collaboration! There are endless possibilities and learning experiences when you collaborate!
Tell me something most people don’t know about you or the brand. Maybe about a dream you haven’t pursued yet? Or a parallel project to the label?
That the challenges we faced was the sheer acceptance of our brands aesthetics. At first, many who were new to our brand were quite sceptical about the wearability of our pieces but once they’ve tried them on or seen them as individual pieces, they come to realise it is actually very practical!
Don’t be intimidated by our bold pieces! They don’t bite :-).
他们不会咬人的 ;-)./
And to wrap this up: could you share any hints of what’s in the label’s oven for the rest of this year?
We’re cooking up a new studio and more exciting new collaborations! Stay tuned to our social medias at @motoguo.
It, our home.
It, the motoguo girl.
It, our muse.
“My soul etched into my heart and home.”
What defines a motoguo girl? Who paints the character of ’It’? This season, motoguo tells the story of how everyone, everything evokes something deep inside us, be it a keepsake, personal gems or just knick-knacks. They narrate our past, emphasise on the current and foretell our future. ’It’ is formless yet definitive, anything but everything — it is what it is.
“She is whole when she has a home.”
The 80s vibes. Sailor Moon off-duty looks. Random collection of vintage buttons. Mismatched colours and patterns. The usual favourites which makes up ‘It’.
Art Direction:
Kinder Eng @a_kinder_a_day
Zhonglin @zhonglin_
Zhonglin @zhonglin_
Photography Assistants:
Yuanling Wang @bigwang13
Sherry Liu @sherry860706
Sarah Liu @sarah65050
Kinder Eng @a_kinder_a_day
Styling Assistants:
Joyce Khor @byjoycerkhor
Yenyi @nyi__y
Weic Lin @weic_lin
Hair Assistant:
Winnie Lee @_winnie____
Jonathan Wu @jonathanwumua
Makeup Assistant:
Eddi-Sheng Hsu @shenghsu_mua
Granny gin @grannygin_
Zoe Fang @zo1fun
4min @4min_min
tomi @totommytoto
史學定 @d.i.n87
Artwork Design:
Ejin Sha @ejinsha
Literary Text:
Riri Tan @riri_grr
Interview: Beca Montengro
Translation: Emi