Berlin Atonal presents Metabolic Rift: an (un)guided exhibition-tour through the entire Kraftwerk building from 25.09–30.10.2021. The unique exhibition operates as a sequenced series of site-specific interventions from leading international sound and visual artists, channelling an audience’s experience through organised time. Small groups enter previously unused spaces of the former powerplant to discover a choreographed succession of artistic assemblages.
These works span a wide range: from futuristic city-scapes designed by Congolese sculptor Rigobert Nimi to a collection of drawings from visionary artist Liliane Lijn, a new kinetic sculpture by Cyprien Gaillard working with Jamal Moss (Hieroglyphic Being) to an in–situ work from Sung Tieu together with Amnesia Scanner’s Ville Haimala, sculptural pieces from Giula Cenci, sound installations from Pan Daijing, new works from Tino Sehgal, Nina Canell and many more.
The exhibition itself functions like a metabolic system. The Kraftwerk complex provides the physical structure for this system to operate according to two distinct ‘rhythms’. A linear layout of situated artworks and performances plot a path through the Tresor club (lying unused for over a year) and into unseen areas of the deep Kraftwerk infrastructure. Borrowing the logic of a ‘ghost- train’, works perform themselves in sequence, appearing and disappearing in choreographed succession.
Eventually the audience is exhaled into the cavernous main hall where the principle is accumulation and the sequence is set as if according to a musical score. The presence of a rhythm played-out with light, darkness and sounds fuels free activity within the ever-changing organisation of the topological space. The boundaries between things shift and reassemble. Seeing and hearing happens in a chain reaction, a circulation of kinetic energy. The exhibition-tour replicates procedures in which energy is exchanged, boosted and eventually transformed; metabolic pathways and electric circuits maintain themselves until they fail.
A full experience unfolds over approximately 2 hours. Visitors can book a day and time to access the (un)guided tour, available until sold out.
Tickets from www.the-metabolic-rift.com

Berlin Atonal 推出代謝裂谷:2021 年 9 月 25 日至 10 月 30 日期間(非)引導參觀整個 Kraftwerk 大樓。這個獨特的展覽是由國際領先的聲音和視覺藝術家進行的一系列特定地點的有序干預,通過有組織的時間引導觀眾的體驗。小團體進入前動力裝置以前未使用的空間,發現一系列精心設計的藝術組合。
這些作品的範圍很廣:從剛果雕塑家 Rigobert Nimi 設計的未來主義城市景觀到有遠見的藝術家 Liliane Lijn 的繪畫集,Cyprien Gaillard 與 Jamal Moss(象形文字人)合作的新動態雕塑到現場作品來自 Sung Tieu 和 Amnesia Scanner 的 Ville Haimala,來自 Giula Cenci 的雕塑作品,來自 Pan Daijing 的聲音裝置,來自 Tino Sehgal、Nina Canell 的新作品等等。
展覽本身就像一個新陳代謝系統。 Kraftwerk 綜合體為該系統提供了物理結構,使其根據兩種不同的“節奏”運行。放置的藝術品和表演的線性佈局繪製了一條穿過 Tresor 俱樂部(閒置一年多)和深入 Kraftwerk 基礎設施看不見的區域的路徑。借用“幽靈列車”的邏輯,作品依次表演、出現和消失的編排。
完整的體驗將在大約 2 小時內展開。遊客可以預訂參觀(非)導遊的日期和時間,直到售完為止。
門票來自 www.the-metabolic-rift.com