Art director and photographer Tina Dubrovsky created a fashion story in collaboration with stylist Rocio Fanchi where the colorful 70’s authentic of the models’ outfits collide with the horror movie aspect that Tina chose to portray an unfolding of a toxic relationship between two people beginning at the ‘honeymoon phase’ and ending in an implication of the ‘Stockholm syndrome’. Berlin, 2022
艺术总监兼摄影师 Tina Dubrovsky 与造型师 Rocio Fanchi 合作创造了一个时尚故事,其中模特们色彩缤纷的 70 年代正宗服装与 Tina 选择描绘的两个人之间有毒关系展开的恐怖电影方面相冲突。蜜月期”并以“斯德哥尔摩综合症”告终。柏林,2022
Photography & Art Direction: Tina Dubrovsky @tinadubrovsky_photography
Hair & Makeup: Rà Nikolaidis
Styling: Rocio Fanchi @ferrero.rochi
Assistance: Berni Fauci @bernifauci
Models: Deja @white.deja & Vidadöd @bloodbrut
Special thanks to Andre Aimaq for the shooting location.
Wardrobe (designer) credits:
Eme Clothing @eme_clothing
House of Marmol @houseofmarmol
Retro Gloves Berlin @retroglovesberlin
Claudia Vitalli @claudiavitali
Bspritz Berlin @Bspritzberlin
R.A.M.B.O.N.A @r.a.m.b.o.n.a
Symmetry Body Jewelry @symmetrybodyjewellry