Brutal architecture, smoke, loud, crashing industrial sounds, sweat, stomping feet, West Germany simultaneously looking to its past and staring solidly at the future. This is the Venn diagram represented by techno music and the coal mining industry in the Ruhr, with Stone Techno Festival sitting in the centre.
After two years of postponing due to the pandemic, The Third Room and the Ruhr Museum proudly presented the first edition of the festival, celebrating innovative and uncompromising artistry at Europe’s biggest coal mine under UNESCO’s World Heritage Zollverein. The long-awaited event finally took place during the day & night of the 9th & 10th of July 2022 in Essen, Germany.
The Keyi team was very grateful to be a part of this first edition of the Stone Techno Festival, with the event instantly cementing its place on the list of our favorite festivals. We witnessed two days of high-quality music, with one of the best lineups we have ever seen offered. And all of this in a beautiful and truly unique location.
After two years of waiting to be together, ravers could let loose like never before at the biggest spot in Essen. In total, there were more than 40 performances over five stages with unique setups, all agains awe-inspiring industrial backdrops.
As you can see in our photo report of the event, the gargantuan scale of the location was matched by the immense connection between the artists and audience, likewise between the dancers themselves.
Ravers and fans danced through from the early on until the morning broke over the complex each day, with afterparties presented by The Third Room.
There may be hundreds of festivals on offer across Europe but standing dwarfed by the sheer mass of iron around and yet lifted back up to heights by the quality of the music and the mood of the crowd, we really couldn’t imagine a single better place to go on a weekend-long techno journey.
Thousands of ravers were sending out energy that is impossible to put into words, in a way that only those who have experienced the very best of parties could ever understand. It was, as you will all understand, heartbreaking for those moments to come to an end, to say goodbye to those beautiful souls and to make our way back home.
In July 2023, the Stone Techno Festival promises to return with even more spectacular edition. We are not sure how that is possible, but we cannot wait. We will have more words from the team and artist in our print copies. Stay tuned!
If you want to see more of this year’s event, there are also ARTE Concert videos available to the public.

在因大流行病而推迟了两年之后,The Third Room和鲁尔区博物馆自豪地推出了第一届音乐节,在联合国教科文组织的世界遗产Zollverein下的欧洲最大的煤矿庆祝创新和不妥协的艺术性。期待已久的活动终于在2022年7月9日和10日的白天和夜晚在德国埃森举行。
狂欢者和粉丝们每天从早期开始跳舞,直到清晨在建筑群上空破晓,之后的派对由The Third Room提供。

Beautiful sound, people, location – it’s all we could wish for. Definitely on the list for next year and if you want to follow up with other Third Room Label, Studio & Event series based in Essen – check those links:
美丽的声音、人物、位置——这就是我们所希望的。肯定在明年的名单上,如果您想跟进其他位于埃森的 Third Room Label、Studio 和 Event 系列 – 请查看这些链接: