Hatched is a project that starts from the investigation of new materials applied to fashion, where the development of new material is carried out from the skin of eggplants, which is treated to result in a material similar to skin animal or other synthetic or natural derivatives.
The particularity of this material is that it is a 100% natural material, just eggplant skin treated with two natural products.
For the manufacture of the pieces, it has been possible to use traditional sewing methods with sewing machines, allowing sufficient quality in the material to continue intact from April 2022.

Hatched is a project in two parts: one top and one bottom piece. The upper part is made of 95% of the new eco-material and 5% silicone, opposite to the lower part in which the materials are disposed of in the opposite way.
This picture has been taken by Sebastian Candiolli, a fashion photographer published by magazines such as Vogue, Malvie, and Hunter and currently working for top model agencies in Madrid.
这张照片是由Sebastian Candiolli拍摄的,他是一位时尚摄影师,在《Vogue》、《Malvie》和《Hunter》等杂志上发表过作品,目前为马德里的顶级模特机构工作。

Hatched is designed and produced by Daniela Camacho, Madrid-based fashion designer, owner of BUNNYWILD Brand and founder of BUVLE FASHION CLUB.
She has worked with BUJ STUDIO and has received fashion awards from the DESIGN CENTRAL IN MATADERO and the city hall of SALAMANCA.
Hatched由Daniela Camacho设计和制作,她是马德里的时装设计师,BUNNYWILD品牌的所有者和BUVLE FASHION CLUB的创始人。她曾与BUJ STUDIO合作,并获得MATADERO设计中心和SALAMANCA市政厅颁发的时尚奖项。

A new being has hatched from an egg! and is dressed in eggplant skin. Curious about a new universe.
This editorial wants to show two stages of phases from this individual in the new whole. The first one wants to show the editing of photographs with the aesthetics of a Hatched process in a very playful way that changes ways of perception in the sizing of objects.
In the second stage, we play with the idea of a camera getting in touch with this curious individual that remembers getting in touch with a circus- animal or experimental laboratory-animal.

PHOTO X Sebastián Candiolli
@tatocandiolli @sebascandiolli
MUSE X Carina Hasenpusch
SHOE DESIGN X Marta Reparaz
HAIR X Laura Goldwell
MUA X Aroa Franco