CATNAPP interview by Grzegorz Bacinski

Trust is a testament to resilience. The past two years have been tough for just about everyone, and while it would have been easy for Catnapp to let feelings of despair soak into her creative process, she refused to succumb to darkness. The Berlin-based Argentinian was determined to make something bright, energetic and uplifting, and nothing—not even a global catastrophe—was going to stop her from rallying people to the dancefloor.


It’s been a while since we saw each other but I still remember your mind-blowing live set in Oil Club in Shenzhen China. What changed you personally and musically since that time ?

On a personal level it’s been quite hard to get back to the rhythm I used to have before the pandemic.

I think that that 2-year break gave me a perspective of how life could be if I carried on a slower life, and I must say even though I really missed performing, touring, and doing what I do, I truly enjoyed chilling out for a while.

I was able to spend more time attending to my mental, emotional and physical health. This was very good for me. Now after everything when I finally come back to that “great previous life” I had, I realize how little I would be able to care for myself if I just went back to that exact same rhythm I had before the pandemic. 

So, going back to your question, I became more aware of things I need to tend in my life besides work, to be able to function properly. And this of course has direct consequences in my work. I used to work Monday to Monday. Twelve hours a day in front of the computer or in meetings, video clips planning, anything that I had to do to make the best out of my career. Rest? No thank you. 

This really affected my mental health. And now that I see it, there is no way I can invest that same amount of hours dedicated to my career only. Resting  time is now a must, as well as time to enjoy myself, and rest from that afterwards as well. 

For those reasons, you might notice I am not releasing as many videos per album as I did before, or making so many photoshoots, promotions, etc. 

Musically, like you mentioned, I wanted to make something brighter and get a little bit out of the darkness. Of course after having done that, I’m craving for more distortion and darkness every time I get a chance to go to the studio hehe. 



我认为那两年的休息让我看到了如果我继续慢下来,生活会是怎样的,我必须说,尽管我真的很想念表演、巡演和做我所做的事情,但我真的很喜欢放松一段时间。我能够花更多的时间来照顾我的心理、情感和身体健康。这对我来说是非常好的。现在,在经历了一切之后,当我终于回到我的 “以前的美好生活 “时,我意识到,如果我只是回到大流行病之前的那种节奏,我对自己的照顾是多么少。





Was it your first tour in China? Do you miss touring in that part of the world?

Absolutely. It was so short. I’ve only stayed maybe 1 or 2 days in every city I went to. I’d love to be able to stay for longer the next time I visit, if it comes to be possible again.



The apocalypse atmosphere returns to our minds once in a while. How are you feeling? How far do you go with your plans?  How did you devote your thoughts towards the brighter direction which you achieved?

I think covid has definitely been a traumatic experience for many if not all of us. Personally I have been marked for sure, and with war now happening (which seems unbelievable after what the world was recovering from), I get a sense of “ok this is never really going to end. Problems on Earth just keep getting worse and worse until they reach a super bad peak, implode, explode, and then maybe after a lot has happened things can slowly start getting better again.

I must say I tend to have a very apocalyptic mindset hahaha. My predictions almost never come true, so nothing to worry about!

When I was making the album I think my head just shifted into this ‘I need to be positive and spread it’ (no pun intended) state as a survival mechanism. It was too much darkness for too long. Everyone was, me included, making all of this dark music, dark introspective art. We all somehow collectively felt this depression which was unavoidable. And we had no option but to succumb to it. And I believe that was a healthy thing to do. Catharsis. But after a while, when all that dark was out, my brain went like ‘okaay maybe that is enough?’. 

As for planning, I tend to not restrict myself and plan as if everything will be okay. I guess I don’t really have a choice and it’s all part of the same survival mechanism.

启示录的气氛偶尔会回到我们的脑海中。你的感觉如何?你的计划进行到什么程度了? 你是如何把你的思想投入到你所实现的光明的方向上的?





Speaking about“Trust” you picked a few collaborators, one of them is your brother. That sounds like a perfect combination fulfilling the concept of the album in the best way. Did you plan it  ahead or did it come up spontaneously? What’s the story behind it? Have you tried to work with your brother before “Catnapp” was born? 

It was absolutely spontaneous. I think he uploaded a story with that beat and I was like “What is THAT, can we please make something together with it”. It’s actually the first track of the record that existed. I believe we did it more than 2 years ago. It was supposed to be released as a single but then we were like “What if we add 10 more tracks to it” XD. We had recorded a cover version of “see you again” from Tyler the Creator before that, but nothing that got released until br34th3. I’m hoping there’s more where that came from. He’s a super-talented musician. And so young too… only 22 and completely self-taught. Very proud sister.

谈到“信任”,你选择了几个合作者,其中一个是你的兄弟。这听起来像是一个完美的组合,以最好的方式实现了专辑的概念。你是提前计划好了,还是自发形成的?这背后有什么故事?在 “Catnapp“诞生之前,你是否尝试过与你哥哥合作?

这绝对是自发的。我想他上传了一个关于这个节拍的故事,我就想 “那是什么,我们能不能用它来做一些事情”。这实际上是这张唱片中存在的第一首曲目。我相信我们是在两年多以前做的。它本来应该作为单曲发行,但后来我们想 “如果我们再加10首曲子怎么样 “XD。在那之前,我们录制了Tyler the Creator的 “see you again“的翻唱版本,但在br34th3之前没有任何东西被发布。我希望会有更多的东西出现。他是一个超级有才华的音乐家。而且还很年轻.只有22岁,完全是自学成才。非常自豪的妹妹。

Your music is like a time travel machine. The broken beats between your lyrics feel like being in front of portal gates and searching for the right answer.  Seems like you had plenty of rehearsals with yourself while doing this album. Could you tell us about the meaning of life for you?

I like to think I’m quite self aware.

I’m definitely an introverted person that spends a lot of time looking inside.

Thinking, probably over-thinking. Analyzing. I enjoy understanding how the mind and emotions work, and I spend a lot of time trying to understand mine. Now speaking about the meaning of life (light question ahhaah). You know how when a fly goes into your house then it finds it very hard to find its way out? Even tho the open window is right-there. As a human, whenever I see this I’m talking to the fly telling it “IT’S RIGHT THERE COME ON”. I go and open a 2nd window, and still, the fly can’t seem to comprehend that this opening means freedom, and everything she is trying to do for hours or maybe days, and finds so hard to accomplish.

To us, it looks obvious. Evident. To her, it’s completely impossible to comprehend, until eventually sometimes she flies and gets out, by chance. She doesn’t even know how she did it or what happened.I believe it’s the same with us and life. We can understand up to a certain point. With our senses, our capabilities, but these are limited. 

Maybe we will never know the meaning of life. Maybe there is no meaning to life but as humans we NEED there to be a meaning to things. So we look for it, we invent it. I think it’s beyond our intelligence.

你的音乐就像一台时间旅行机。你的歌词之间的破碎节拍,感觉就像在传送门前,寻找正确的答案。 看起来你在做这张专辑的时候和自己进行了大量的排练。你能告诉我们,对你来说,生命的意义是什么?



It’s not your first collaboration with Modeselektor, if you could  name one thing which they taught  you, what would it be?

Technically I learned about track structure, a bit how to make a track work on the dancefloor.

My tracks tend to be a little experimental structure-wise which I do love, but sometimes it’s also nice to give the audience something they can dance to as well.


Personally, I learned (or I’m still trying to learn) that I don’t need to  try and impress anyone when I go on stage, that I just have to be the weird person I am and that’s enough.




You seem also connected to fashion. I remember you wearing designs from Therapy Recycle  in China when we had a photoshoot. Recently, you also collaborated with Versace. How did that happen ? Any exciting plans in this direction ?

The Versace collab was a lot of fun. We recorded in an abandoned warehouse and I got to wear their fancy clothes for a while. I like to collaborate with fashion artists or designers.

Recently I’ve been working with the artists Catt and Minji, and the brand A Better Mistake from Milan, to create the outfits that I will be wearing on the TRUST show.

This was super exciting, on the one hand I got to go to Milan to try on and choose clothes from one of my favorite brands, and on top to later intervene and customize them. It was also GREAT to work with Minji. I had been wanting to work with their illustrations for a very long time.


范思哲的合作是非常有趣的。我们在一个废弃的仓库里录音,我还穿了一阵子他们的高级衣服。我喜欢与时尚艺术家或设计师合作。最近,我与艺术家Catt和Minji以及来自米兰的品牌A Better Mistake合作,创作我将在TRUST节目中穿的服装。这超级令人兴奋,一方面我可以去米兰试穿和选择我最喜欢的品牌之一的衣服,另一方面,我还可以介入并定制它们。与MINJI合作也是非常棒的。我一直想与他们的插图合作,已经有很长一段时间了。

Speaking about Fashion, your song was picked by Rihanna during Fashion Week in New York City, that sounds like a huge success. Have you thought of collaborating with her and working on music together?

LOL. In my dreams maybe. No, not really. I actually dream more about collaborating with Deli Girls or Crim3s than I do with Rihanna.



Interview 作者: Grzegorz Bacinski

Translation 翻译: Emi

Photos照片: Juan Bermejo, Kitty Schumacher, Toto Pons


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