Marta Salazar is a young creative and fashion designer based in Barcelona. Her passion is to create and explore art in all its forms.

EH is a language. It is a visual and artistic representation of how we communicate with each
other. Our behavior, the movement, the noise we generate. A language that does not require

The aim of the collection is to create a form of communication represented through the
garments. It seeks to give form to an abstract concept. Making an interaction between the
garments joining them, combining them and transforming each other.

Design @eh.byera
Creative direction and fashion design Marta Salazar @martzzsalazar
Photographer Lucas de Oliveira @directedbylucas
Video Direction, Filmmaker Camera Alex Mas @alexmasalcoberro
Photographer assistant Rita Salgado @rita__salgado
VHS Camera Nico Urdininea @niconiewiem
Make up artist Laura Marin @hilauramarin
Make up artist Maria Hidalgo @hidbeeauty
Hair artist Pau Revaliente @pau.reva
Art direction Lisanne Torra @lisannetorra
Art direction Neus Miraco
BTS Maria Fernanda Parrales @sendfrijoles
Styling Marc Bachs @marcbachss
Model Tina Sun @tinasunjy
Model Aja Alhassan @ajabrownf
Model Alba Piñol @albapi6
Model Lucie Tourneret @luciiei
Graphic and 3D design Fabian Banos @fabibanos
Location HOTASFOC @hotasfoc
Tina Sun again in KEYI MAGAZINE -> click here