Tempio Festival 2024 offers a unique fusion of Berlin and Milan’s vibrant cultural scenes. Find our chat with the founder.

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Tempio Festival 2024 offers a unique fusion of Berlin and Milan’s vibrant cultural scenes. The event features 130 diverse artists, including DJs and live music performers, spread across four dynamic stages. Attendees can also explore six captivating art and photography exhibits, participate in engaging panel talks, and enjoy free workshops. With a rich lineup and a wide range of activities, Tempio Festival 2024 promises an unforgettable experience for all.
Hey, dears! It’s great to have you with us. Could you start by introducing yourself? Tell us more about the concept of the festival ?
Hi! It’s a pleasure to be with you. We are a non-digital and non-profit community made by activists, creatives and ravers who have created the first independent socio-cultural center dedicated to the new generations and recognized by Italian law. In a few years, we have become an Italian point of reference for human rights movements and the multiple scenarios of electronic music and performing arts. Through the festival we want to share our philosophy and our practices, we think that in a Europe in crisis, sharing positive visions can be helpful in building human connections.
How did you initially get into electronic music, and how did that passion evolve into creating a music festival? What’s the story behind the connection between Milan and Berlin?
Personally, my relationship with music began a long time ago when, together with a few others, we created the first techno and hard techno parties and clubs in the city. Today I am 37yo and I am the oldest in Tempio, mine has always been a social commitment as well as a path of passion for humanity, music and cultures. Over the years I have seen how artistic communities can regenerate the territories, giving hope to the populations. In recent years I have spent my days sharing my know-how in the course of “History and Philosophy of Techno Music”, in Universities and when institutions call me to speak. Even though they are two large European cities a few kilometers apart, Berlin and Milan are culturally and civilly very distant. I think that this type of initiative serves to unite people.
Let’s talk about the origins of your brand. What’s the story behind the festival’s name, and how do you go about curating the lineup while integrating it with art?
For ethical reasons, we have never considered “Tempio” as a brand.  “Brandization” in a commercial city like Milan is an alienating and often culturally toxic phenomenon. The name Tempio del Futuro Perduto is a free celebration of all the lives, possibilities and opportunities erased by this society. “Tempio” has quickly become a symbol, an icon of an inclusive and multidisciplinary movement in which music is the common language of liberation. What we will bring to Berlin are maxi-format artworks, photographs and contemporary dance and theater performances that are part of our permanent collection and everyday life.
Can you walk us through your daily workflow? We imagine it’s challenging to bring your ideas from Milan to Berlin. Could you share your thoughts on both scenes?
The rhythms of discussion and creative production are non-stop since a large part of the Tempio management team lives inside the structure in artistic residences. Even if it is often complicated, multipolarity and horizontal decision-making processes are actually working. I think Tempio can bring a different approach to Berlin: the events give equal space to different arts and are not based on the lineup of international artists, the “Gift-ticket policy” is a circular economy and makes initiatives inclusive towards the economically weaker sections of society. Berlin has taught Tempio a lot over the years and continues to do so in terms of music Industry mindset and challenge with some of the most important proposals in the world.
You’re bringing together 130 artists from around the world—could you tell us more about the performers and what we can expect from them?
Given the concretely multidisciplinary nature of Tempio, we have always thought that all the acts, performers and djs should be on the posters, all should have the same visibility. Also in this case the artistic direction was entrusted to different people: Silvia Fontana, dancer and contemporary dance teacher, took care of the programming of the shows and performances. Younger Than Me curated the musical line up in which many of the acts are special b2b chosen by the artists themselves. The exhibitions have different curators depending on the expressive languages ​​used. The beauty of living a spontaneous and collective project like this, is that we have no forced expectations, we know each other, we love the artists we work with, we think that if everything goes well, it will be a wonderful harmony.
Could you delve deeper into the topics that will be covered during the panel talks??
Three different moments of verbal sharing: the inaugural talk will involve the artistic directors, some artists and several Italian and German journalists and promoters who will meet for the first time. The second talk moment will involve two of the most important sex-positive realities in Italy who will debate the differences and affinities between Milan and Berlin in erotic events. There will be the presentation of an Italian bio-book on Enrico Berlinguer written by the president of one of the most important anti-mafia associations. Each exhibition will have its own vernissage where it will be possible to meet curators, artists and photographers.
What does the future look like for the Tempio Festival?
Now we are working and we hope that everything will go well this August at Alte Münze. We are happy because we are receiving many proposals to bring the festival or our disciplines to different clubs, cities and institutional contexts in Italy and around the world. We know that it is not easy to start from Berlin, but we are ready for everything that comes in the future, without losing it 🙂
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