Bastiaan Woudt ’s Latest Photographic Journey Champions HIV Awareness and Resilience

Bastiaan Woudt’s Latest Photographic Journey Champions HIV Awareness and Resilience
Bastiaan Woudt is preparing for his next solo show at Bildhalle in Amsterdam. Alongside these exhibitions, Woudt is also celebrating the release of his new book project, Champions, created in collaboration with the 1605 Collective and Orange Babies. This compelling series, shot in Zambia, commemorates Orange Babies’ 25th anniversary and highlights their ongoing work supporting HIV-positive individuals in developing countries.

Champions is a poignant photographic narrative that captures the strength and resilience of those affected by HIV. Through Woudt’s lens, the portraits and landscapes reveal the daily struggles of the people in Zambia, while emphasizing their courage. The images transcend mere documentation, portraying the subjects as heroes—warriors, kings, and queens—who symbolize the ongoing fight against HIV and AIDS. “In Champions, I chose to show these young adults as advocates, incredible symbols of dignity and strength, flourishing against all odds,” Woudt explains. “I aimed to transform them into visual representations of their indispensable role in the fight against HIV and AIDS.”

Bastiaan Woudt’s Latest Photographic Journey Champions HIV Awareness and Resilience
Champions, Globe, 2023, © Bastiaan Woudt

HIV continues to be a global health crisis, with recent UNAIDS figures reporting that 39 million people worldwide live with HIV, including 1.3 million new infections in 2022 alone. The impact on young women and children is particularly devastating; in 2021, 2.1 million women between the ages of 15 and 24, and 1.7 million children, were infected with the virus.

Woudt’s Champions project brings attention to these alarming statistics and paints a picture of hope. His photographs include members of the broader community, from schoolchildren to the vast landscapes that shape their lives. These images serve as a testament to the power of community and resilience, reinforcing the idea that those affected by HIV can still lead fulfilling lives.

Bastiaan Woudt’s Latest Photographic Journey Champions HIV Awareness and Resilience
Champions, Pakechelle Girl Back, 2023, © Bastiaan Woudt

In addition to his creative contribution, Woudt has shown extraordinary generosity through his involvement with Orange Babies. At a charity event unveiling the first images of Champions, Woudt raised over €120,000, all of which was donated to Orange Babies. Furthermore, he has donated works with a total value of €195,760, and moving forward, 10% of all sales from the Champions series will be donated to support the organization’s vital work in Zambia and other HIV-affected regions.

As Woudt continues to push the boundaries of fine art photography, Champions stands as a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the global effort to combat HIV. Through his artistry, Woudt transforms individual stories of hardship into universal symbols of hope, creating a lasting impact both visually and socially.

Bastiaan Woudt’s Latest Photographic Journey Champions HIV Awareness and Resilience
Champions, Atlas, 2023, © Bastiaan Woudt


“CHAMPIONS” – The New Book by Bastiaan Woudt
Release Date: Tuesday, 15 October 2024
Publisher: 1605 Collective |
Pre-Order: 26 September – 15 October 2024 (Each pre-order comes with a free print.)


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