#DAMUR, a high-end streetwear label based in Berlin, is excited to announce that they are presenting their new AW22 collection during the TAIPEI FASHION WEEK on the 26th of March, 19:00 (GMT+7). Those who followed designer’s Huang Shih-Shun journey during recent years in the Taipei Fashion Week already know that he is all about expressing boldness, creativity, and one’s culture in the most unexpected way. Some may criticize him for focusing more on the show part rather than on design creation, but is there still something left that can still shock us?

Virtuality and reality became two opposites. Technology brings us through virtual power and provides us with infinite possibilities, yet once we put the electronics down, we return to reality and our daily lives. While we often question whether we should stick with just one of these options, #DAMUR asks why we can’t have both? This season, #DAMUR focuses on 3D and virtual technologies and how they made us not only concerned about what we can see, touch, and feel in reality but also about our presence in the virtual world.

This season, #DAMUR found a way to show the encounter between virtuality and reality not only through a fashion show. To prove that we can get the best of both worlds, #DAMUR invites you to participate in the Virtual Fashion Night Market. The brand goes hand in hand with the innovations to provide you with unforgettable experiences no matter where you are. This is why by participating in the virtual night market, you won’t miss any experiences that a real market can offer you. 

Inspired by night market characters, #DAMUR combined virtual experiences, digital consumption, NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens), and Taipei nightlife culture and created a fashion co-branded merchandise collection that can be found on brand pop up store on the Uber Eats App. A collection that crosses generations, eras, technology and cultural trends, as #DAMUR is already using the VR concept to construct and optimize the future of all the brand’s clothing designs. Despite the new winds of technological inspiration, the AW22 collection continues to regenerate Berlin’s street style with a sustainable and bold creative design philosophy.

Do you enjoy going through flashy stalls, taking in all those images, sounds, and smells? By collaborating with companies such as 樂敘 backlash, SPLASH PPL, GU-IDEA and XRSPACE GOXR, #DAMUR made sure that the virtual night market would be an unforgettable event in every aspect, from WebGame to App. If you think that by participating in a digital event, you will be left empty-handed, #DAMUR is ready to surprise you. If your eyes land on that perfect hoodie or a t-shirt, with a few taps on your phone, you will be able to make a purchase and get it delivered to your door. By working closely with Uber Eats, #DAMUR made it possible to bring fashion straight to your home. 

One of the most awaited and exciting moments for the brand is the runway show that presents the AW22 collection. It will take place at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, No. 4, where you will be able to find out whether real and digital worlds can exist parallelly. Very often we are torn between choosing in which one of these worlds we want to be more active. In the collection this is shown through creating freeing, oversized pieces with bold cut-outs in the shape of hearts and circles to accentuate different body parts, keeping with their signature naughty elegance. The garments are made in black and white colours, showing the difference between reality and the digital world with purple-green details and accessories that reflect glitching. Every detail in the collection has a provocative message. Having this in mind, the opening look focuses on the most recent situation happening in the world. EeLin Entertainment 伊林娛樂 model walking with #DAMUR x Miro Piazza creation – blue- and yellow-coloured sunglasses that represent the Ukrainian flag, shows that protest can be expressed in any form. The #DAMUR x HAPPYHAIR rebellious and avant-garde silver earring braids make models look magical, yet close to reality. Finally, the black and white zebra print shoes created while working in collaboration with Royal Elastics represent us walking through a path that is formed of 0 and 1 together with our real experiences.

Since 2020 #DAMUR focuses on creating sustainable fashion and keeping up with the new upcycling design practices. By collaborating with Align Textile Co., Ltd. leading in sustainable production, the brand continues its upcycling mission. Together they managed to take the heartache of the textile industry and turn it into the best upcycling practice. The unused deadstock yarn is turned into a fashionable textile. Even the bright colors and eye-catching prints of the new garments are extracted by using waterless 3D knit dyeing technology that reduces the carbon footprint. The AW22 collection is not an exception, made from deadstock materials and past creations, ready to be worn by those who want their clothes to have a story. 

#DAMUR uses the power of design to change your expectations of fashion, your understanding of sustainable fashion and the boundaries set for trends, and combine #metafashion and #virtualnightmarket to move Taiwan’s fashion from a traditional industry to the future of the digital era. On the 26th of March, from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM, all guests will first explore the Virtual Fashion Night Market at the #DAMUR x Budweiser Pre Party and then join us at 7:00 PM at the main show location. The audience can attend this show digitally from #VirtualNightMarket and YouTube live stream, making a quick stop to check some limited edition designs at our pop up store at Uber Eats

Resources are relatively limited in the real world, but jumping into the virtual space can give you a sense of unlimitedness, which makes us question where is the line between these two worlds? Perhaps the virtual world does not need to be connected to the real world, as the perceptions and definitions of everything in today’s life are constantly changing. The AW22 collection was inspired by #Glitch, a mysterious and unknowable phenomenon that occurs by accident. A second when we are left to hang between the two worlds. The designer Huang Shih-Sun shares: “We used to make friends by going out for a drink, but now we making friends via apps on our phones. Can you tell which way is normal?” Despite the events happening in the world that make us question everything and feel scared of constant changes, #DAMUR invites you to explore the digital world and take everything that it has to offer. Are you ready for the journey?

時髦人士你今晚想來點什麼? #今晚我想來點 DAMUR。

今晚,我想這是 #DAMUR第五度登上臺北時裝週。在過去,不管是精彩的時尚旅行衣,還是在信義路與基隆路最緊張的110秒馬路上時尚走秀,或是在台北捷運裡用創意把柏林街頭潮流帶給所有的旅客,#DAMUR的品牌秀永遠都是在臺北時裝週裡話題指數與期待度最高的一場。旅德設計師黃世舜帶給台灣時尚圈的印象是源源不絕的大膽設計與創意,並用柏林潮流文化顛覆了所有人對於傳統時裝秀的表演可能性。也許會有人批評他只專注在做秀而忽略了時裝設計的本質,但在2022年的今年,何謂時裝、何謂流行?究竟是你太守舊還是他走的太前面?

在採訪過程,設計師說:這不是一場服裝秀,這是一場虛擬與現實之間的相遇,但究竟是一場錯誤的美麗還是一段新的浪漫開始? 他請大家在看完秀之後可以與他分享。在AW22系列裡,設計師黃世舜持續用永續環保與大膽的創意設計哲學去再生柏林的街頭潮流風格。此外這一季的品牌秀 #DAMUR特別與 Uber Eats 以及臨江街夜市攤販跨界合作,以夜市為本次品牌秀的舞台(原訂於臨江街夜市,但因應文化部要求,品牌秀最後移至松山文創園區四號倉庫)。夜市人物為本次設計靈感,並結合虛擬體驗、數位消費、NFT(非同質化代幣)、台北夜生活文化,打造周邊 #時尚聯名商品系列、並在Uber Eats平台上推出 #DAMUR快閃店。黃世舜說:這真的是一個跨世代、時代、科技與文化潮流的系列,因為 #DAMUR 已經在用 VR概念去建構與優化未來的品牌所有服裝設計,此外與樂敘Backlash、SPLASH PPL以及GU-IDEA一起合作開發 #虛擬夜市 WebGame與3D虛擬服裝,並也特別與XRSPACE旗下GOXR App開發 #虛擬夜市 App版,讓這個系列從虛擬世界走到實體服裝秀最後再串連 Uber Eats ,讓消費者可以一面看秀,一面在虛擬夜市或 Uber Eats #DAMUR快閃店下單最新秀款與夜市美食,看完秀之後馬上到手(嘴)!

再生再造(upcycle)設計是 #DAMUR 品牌中的經典元素之一,這一次設計師黃世舜再次聯手台灣紡織大廠永瀧興業股份有限公司一起共同推出 #kiosk3.0庫存紗再生系列。在已經連續合作過四季的好默契,設計師黃世舜和永瀧團隊這一次把紡織廠長久以來頭痛的庫存紗問題變成了再生再造的最佳設計來源,把庫存紗變成最好的原料,並利用無水染色3D提花技術讓鮮豔的顏色與精彩的印花通通都不需要化學製程並且可以把碳足跡降到最低。再用最強烈的 # 設計語言去震撼你對時裝的期待、再生再造(upcycle)你對永續時尚的定義與潮流的界線,並結合 #metafashion還有 #虛擬夜市WebGame,讓台灣時尚從瞬間傳統產業進入到未來數位科技的行列。在今年三月二十六日下午四點半~六點半,所有的來賓將會先在松山文創園區五號倉的 #DAMUR x Budweiser 百威啤酒 Pre Party 進行 #虛擬夜市 探索,之後在晚上七點鐘準時在松山文創園區四號倉、#虛擬夜市、Uber Eats 還有 YouTube直播中一起加入 #DAMUR的 #永續再生的未來時尚旅程。

迷幻的科技音樂與程式運算的LED大螢幕動畫揭開了這一場虛擬且又真實的一場秀,在網路世界與松山文創園區四號倉裡由藝人張立昂、孫沁岳、黃丞邦領軍並帶領14位伊林名模,用最飢餓的嘴臉走進本次臺北時裝週的秀場。從最白的顏色到鮮豔的電腦綠、迷幻紫到最後的螢幕黑。身後大片LED電腦黑洞動畫,就如同無邊界的虛擬世界,讓人上癮前進停不下來。一開場的伊林名模帶著加蔥又加蒜的 #DAMUR x Miro Piazza Lost & Found再生再造(upcycle) 時裝週聯名太陽眼鏡,鮮黃的#Logo和藍色鏡片(烏克蘭國旗顏色)是設計師對於世界現在正在發生的動亂所想表達的時髦抗議, 但到底是眼鏡還是項鍊傻傻分不清。頭髮上頂著 #DAMUR x HAPPYHAIR 的叛逆前衛銀飾耳環編髮讓所有人的造型都是那樣的神奇驚異,但一切卻又那樣的貼近生活和虛擬的模糊間線。模特兒腳上的 #DAMUR x Royal Elastics 黑白斑馬紋時裝週聯名鞋款,一步步的如同數位世界中0與1的節奏,運行著每一個人心中深藏的秘密,在未知的明天尋找屬於自己的光明。將近600位觀眾一起帶著 #DAMUR x CSD中衛 AW22臺北時裝週限量聯名款,這款珍珠奶茶的設計也是 #DAMUR 第一款即將在未來發售的NFT。設計師笑著說,我想知道大家到底是喜歡喝真的珍珠奶茶比較多,還是戴得更多,或者是在虛擬世界裡保存的最多?!夜市美食的味道、糖水攤的好滋味、在地人的溫度在最後的Final隨著鮮明綠色的 Uber Eats 保溫袋與最時髦的姿態,讓想吃但又不能吃的觀眾終於在最後可以帶走經典臨江街夜市的美食,讓這個時髦香味爆發的夜晚有了一個最滿足的句點。

#kiosk 3.0系列主要有三種色調:從未知的白牛仔丹寧、爛漫優雅的白蕾絲、3D立體提花的迷幻紫與叢林綠、#Glitch(小故障)的科技顏色條紋提花針織,到最後無邊界的電腦黑羊毛、PVC與厚丹寧,讓AW22的秋冬像極了一杯不可抗拒的時尚調酒,在深夜裡讓人欲罷不能。Oversized但又合身到點上的剪裁、有一點長又不會太長的距離、可愛大膽又性感的愛心簍空、剪接、挖空與拼接,這所有一切的的奇妙組合都是那樣的 #DAMUR 與超現實,溫柔但又是那樣的性感。強烈動畫感的大閃電與火燄印花、3/4的愛心棒球帽、螢光綠指紋刺繡口袋、編碼印刷圖騰、迷幻紫與優雅綠針織提花長手套與打底褲及一個個完全回收品牌剪布剩下的下腳料再生再造的手工編織大小耳環與大小胸花,讓不管是比中指還是愛的手勢都充滿著強烈的個人主義與柏林叛逆精神。設計師告訴我:這一季的衣服就是在用一種暴力的美學去點破大部分人對於生活安於現狀且不願意求新求變的窘境,就如同愛上了網路世界的方便,卻又不能自己的控訴生活上的改變。

你是每天花在網路上的時間多?還是與人面對面相處的時間更多? AW22 #kiosk 3.0系列精準詮釋了這個充滿改變的時代,緊張的國際局勢與後新冠生活方式顛覆我們的過去日常。而無限的網路世界、元宇宙的開始與3D繪圖技術的進步已經完全改寫21世紀的二十年代。現實生活中資源是相對有限的,但在網路世界裡資源與空間是相對無限的,而無限讓人上癮,也讓我們思考真實和虛擬的界線究竟在哪? 在今天,虛擬與真實世界的差距也許只是在於平台的不同;也許虛擬世界並不需要和真實世界串連,就如同現今生活中所有人事物的認知與定義都無時無刻的在進行改變;就如同 AW22的設計靈感來源 #Glitch (小故障) 一般,意外發生所造成的更加神秘和不可知的東⻄;就如同設計師黃世舜最後所言:「以前交朋友是去外面喝酒,現在交朋友是在家滑手機,到底什麼是正常什麼是不正常?」,在虛擬與現實傻傻分不清的今天,過去的生活已經經離我們遠去,但你,現在究竟是在哪裡?