BERLIN FASHION WEEK 2023, January 16th – 21st

With new, sophisticated formats, shows and events Berlin spreads a spirit of optimism and sets new accents – The Premium Group’s fashion fairs taking place at the same time make Berlin the leading event of the creative scene in Germany.

From 16th to 21th January 2023, Berlin Fashion Week will present itself as the industry’s leading event with a multi-faceted, sustainable repertoire. Top-class runway shows, creative installations, trend-setting panels and conferences, numerous side events as well as the PREMIUM Group trade fair formats taking place at the same time make Berlin Fashion Week the meeting point for the national and international fashion and creative scene.

In addition to the core themes of sustainability, inclusion and innovation, the focus of the upcoming Berlin Fashion Week will be on the consistent promotion of promising new design talent and emerging brands designed in Germany.

New formats and concepts create a spirit of optimism





The Berlin Contemporary format is celebrating its premiere as part of the upcoming Berlin Fashion Week. Berlin Contemporary offers emerging talents a platform to present themselves, their creativity, their craftsmanship and their innovative strength. A format that shows the German capital in all its uniqueness, with all its diversity and as an exciting place to rediscover fashion.

Among the 18 fashion labels showing their collections at Berlin Contemporary are promising up-and- coming talents like Dennis Chuene or Sia Arnika, who is already worn by Kylie Jenner. One can especially look forward to SF1OG. The newcomer label showed one of the most talked-about collections of the past Berlin Fashion Week in the Feuerle Collection. Established brands include ODEEH, RIANNA + NINA, Malaika Raiss, Namilia and Esther Perbandt.

Among the award-winning fashion labels are designers from Ukraine: Bobkova, Litkovska, DZHUS and Jean Gritsfeldt. Berlin is pleased to be able to give them a stage again at this special time. Visitors should also keep an eye out for Olivia Ballard and Lou de Bétoly, whose collections capture the zeitgeist of Berlin. Due to the incredible diversity of the 18 collections, Berlin is in for a special fashion week that will show exciting and, above all, extremely different perspectives on fashion.

作为即将到来的柏林时装周的一部分,柏林当代的形式正在庆祝其首演。柏林当代 “为新兴人才提供了一个展示自己、他们的创造力、他们的工艺和他们的创新力量的平台。这种形式展示了德国首都的所有独特性、多样性和作为一个令人兴奋的重新发现时尚的地方。

在柏林当代展览的18个时装品牌中,有一些很有前途的新秀,如Dennis Chuene或Sia Arnika,她已经被Kylie Jenner穿上了。人们尤其可以期待SF1OG。这个新加入的品牌在过去的柏林时装周上展示了Feuerle系列中最受关注的一个系列。成熟的品牌包括ODEEH、RIANNA + NINA、Malaika Raiss、Namilia和Esther Perbandt。

在获奖的时尚品牌中,有来自乌克兰的设计师。 Bobkova, Litkovska, DZHUS和Jean Gritsfeldt。柏林很高兴能够在这个特殊时期再次给他们提供舞台。参观者还应该注意奥利维亚-巴拉德(Olivia Ballard)和卢-德-贝托利(Lou de Bétoly),他们的作品抓住了柏林的时代潮流。由于18个系列令人难以置信的多样性,柏林将迎来一个特殊的时装周,它将展示令人兴奋的,最重要的是,极其不同的时尚观点。

In addition to the fashion shows, there are new multiplier formats in the programme. The VORN Fashion Show is an exhibition and fashion show with sustainable brands initiated by VORN – The Berlin Fashion Hub. With the Melagance Order Festival, a showroom is part of Berlin Fashion Week for the first time. Studio 183 will dedicate a day to the topic of circular fashion in the digital age and will invite various experts from the fields of circular fashion, sustainability and technology.


At the W.E4 Fashion Day, the designers Rebekka Ruetz, Danny Reinke, Marcel Ostertag, and Kilian Kerner joined forces to present a joint presentation format in the BOLLE Festsäle. PLATTE.Berlin shows the diverse side of the capital during the “DIVERSE IT!” festival. The established conference 202030 Summit and the showpiece Der Berliner Salon round off the comprehensive and diverse program of Berlin Fashion Week.

在W.E4时尚日上,设计师Rebekka Ruetz、Danny Reinke、Marcel Ostertag和Kilian Kerner联手在BOLLE Festsäle中以联合展示的形式亮相。PLATTE.Berlin在 “DIVERSE IT!”节期间展示了首都的多元化一面。既定的202030峰会和展示性的Der Berliner沙龙为柏林时装周全面而多样的活动画上了句号。

An important hub of the upcoming Berlin Fashion Week will be the stilwerk KantGaragen in Berlin- Charlottenburg. The event space impresses with a ceiling height of over five metres and combines industrial design with historical charm. In addition to the Berlin Salon, the newEST showcase format will also take place there. As a sustainable format, newEST offers young fashion designers a multifunctional space for fashion shows as part of a Fashion Week Hub. In addition to the shows and installations, the official state reception for the opening of Berlin Fashion Week and the Fireside Chat of the Fashion Council Germany will also take place there.

即将到来的柏林时装周的一个重要中心是位于柏林夏洛滕堡的Stilwerk KantGaragen。这个活动空间以超过5米的天花板高度给人留下深刻印象,并将工业设计与历史魅力相结合。除了柏林沙龙之外,newEST展示形式也将在这里举行。作为一种可持续的形式,newEST为年轻的时装设计师提供了一个多功能的时装表演空间,作为时装周中心的一部分。除了表演和装置之外,柏林时装周开幕的官方国

A stone’s throw away, the PREMIUM Group celebrates its anniversary at the Berlin exhibition grounds. The fairs have been a fixture in the fashion calendar for 20 years. The portfolio includes the two fashion trade shows PREMIUM and SEEK, the content space FASHIONTECH, the style and culture festival THE GROUND and the sustainability format CONSCIOUS CLUB. THE GROUND festival and the sustainability format CONSCIOUS CLUB. In addition to a few surprises for the anniversary, there will also be content formats on current trend topics for the industry, brands and retailers. After the restart in summer, there will be a further developed version of the CONSCIOUS CLUB.

The extended programme for buyers, which all retailers can register for, is also exciting. They are invited to be inspired by the most modern stores in Europe. These include KaDeWe, Voo Store, Andreas Murkudis, The Corner, Overkill, Supreme, Firmament, The Store, Merz B Schwanen and the 032c Workshop.

The complete Berlin Fashion Week programme is now available at

一石激起千层浪,PREMIUM集团在柏林展览场地庆祝其周年庆。20年来,这些展会一直是时尚日历上的固定项目。该组合包括两个时尚贸易展PREMIUM和SEEK,内容空间FASHIONTECH,风格和文化节THE GROUND以及可持续发展形式CONSCIOUS CLUB。THE GROUND节和可持续发展形式的CONSCIOUS CLUB。除了周年纪念日的一些惊喜之外,还将有针对行业、品牌和零售商的当前趋势主题的内容格式。在夏季重新开始后,将有一个进一步发展的CONSCIOUS CLUB版本。

所有零售商都可以报名参加的买家扩展计划也令人激动。他们被邀请从欧洲最现代化的商店中获得灵感。其中包括KaDeWe、Voo Store、Andreas Murkudis、The Corner、Overkill、Supreme、Firmament、The Store、Merz B Schwanen和032c Workshop。


Official event formats January 2023

Fashionshows/presentations (selection)


Information about fundings:

More information about Berlins fashion industry with facts and figures: