Sally Dige, a Berlin-based independent, dark wave artist releases an instrumental single titled “Our Secret”, on her own label Dige Records. 

Sally Dige (Dee-Ah), a Berlin-based independent, dark wave artist releases an instrumental single titled “Our Secret”, on her own label Dige Records.

“Our Secret” is a soundtrack for special moments that you only share with a certain person. The single is driven by intimate and dreamy piano and will be included in Sally Dige’s later-to-be-released album. The single is mixed by Victor Van Vugt (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, PJ Harvey, Kylie Minogue), written, recorded, produced and performed by Sally Dige with violin performed by Martha Rose. “Our Secret” will be released on all digital music platforms on Wednesday, January 25th, 2023 and will be followed by a music video directed by Sally Dige herself.

ベルリン在住のインディペンデント・ダークウェーブ・アーティスト、Sally Dige (Dee-Ah) が、自身のレーベルDige Recordsからインストゥルメンタルシングル “Our Secret” をリリースする。”Our Secret “は、特定の人とだけ共有する特別な瞬間のためのサウンドトラックです。このシングルは、親密でドリーミーなピアノが特徴で、Sally Digeの後にリリースされるアルバムに収録される予定です。このシングルは、Victor Van Vugt (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, PJ Harvey, Kylie Minogue) がミキシングし、Sally Digeが作曲、録音、制作、演奏を担当、Martha Roseがバイオリンを演奏しています。”Our Secret “は2023年1月25日(水)にすべてのデジタル音楽プラットフォームでリリースされ、サリー・ディジェ自身が監督したミュージックビデオが公開される予定です。

Sally Dige is an artist who has never been shy about exploring various sounds and styles in her music.

“Our Secret” is Sally Dige’s first instrumental song, which is a moody, dark jazz-flared track with dancing top-line piano melodies and strings.

Sally writes, “I’ve always been fascinated with music scores: narrating a story with only music and no words. Writing conventional songs,

I always relied on words to tell a story. Instead, I wanted to be free of the words and focus on telling a story with just the music.

I also thought, “why not piano? I haven’t done a song centered around a piano before. I like how working with the piano limits me, as opposed to working with synthesizers, which have endless choices of sounds. With a song like this, I felt that it should have the feeling of something intimate like a story whispered into your ear through a curved hand; leaning in and listening close. I hope this song will give that feeling to the listener and be a soundtrack for that special intimate moment”

Sally Digeは、自分の音楽において様々なサウンドやスタイルを探求することを決して惜しまないアーティストです。”Our Secret “はSally Dige初のインストゥルメンタル曲で、トップラインのピアノのメロディーとストリングスが踊る、ムーディでダークなジャズフレアのトラックです。


The song is accompanied by a music videodirected by Sally Dige and filmed by her longtime collaborator Sanne De Niege.  

Sally Dige is a Danish-Canadian independent solo artist based in Berlin, Germany, who writes, records, produces and arranges her own music; in addition to creating and managing all aspects of her visual work. She has released two albums, and a handful of singles, and has featured in numerous collaborations, such as with the German award-winning musician-producer Thorsten Quaeschning of Tangerine Dream, Swedish award-winning band Agent Side Grinder, and more. 



Sally Dige is a Danish-Canadian independent solo artist based in Berlin, Germany, who writes, records, produces and arranges her own music; in addition to creating and managing all aspects of her visual work. She has released two albums, and a handful of singles, and has featured in numerous collaborations, such as with the German award-winning musician-producer Thorsten Quaeschning of Tangerine Dream, Swedish award-winning band Agent Side Grinder, and more. 

In 2013, Dige relocated to Berlin in order to focus on music and the creative arts. Dige has always written and recorded her songs wherever she has been; easily adapting to new environments and spaces. Having moved around Berlin too many times to count, her studio has always moved along with her, even to temporary locations – her sister’s apartment, her parents’ attic, and a hospital room. Her studio now shares a home with her kitchen. “If there is a space, no matter how big or small, there can be a studio,” says Dige. “Your environment should never hinder you from writing great songs and producing great work. It’s never the lack of resources that is an issue, but the lack of ideas, imagination and creativity.”

Over the years, her sound has changed organically from Italo disco-inspired electro to post-punk, to ethereal new romantic. It has now progressed into an indie-pop sound with live instrumentation rather than synthesizers.

Her recent endeavor towards acoustic instruments was the need for change from her last album, “Holding On”

which was entirely programmed and recorded on one synthesizer that she hauled back and forth between Denmark and Berlin on a bus. “The natural form of self-rebellion was to pick up instruments that didn’t need electricity to function, and play with strings and the hands again,” says Dige. Collecting cheap, second-hand instruments she bought online (based on their cool appearances) Dige’s upcoming songs are the result of the challenge of writing each song with different instruments and using the synthesizer as little as possible.

長年にわたり、彼女のサウンドは、イタロ・ディスコにインスパイアされたエレクトロ、ポストパンク、そしてエーテル的なニューロマンティックへと有機的に変化してきました。現在は、シンセサイザーではなく、生楽器によるインディー・ポップ・サウンドに進化している。最近のアコースティック楽器への試みは、彼女がデンマークとベルリンをバスで往復して運んだ1台のシンセサイザーですべてをプログラムして録音した前作『Holding On』(2017)からの変化の必要性であった。”自己反抗の自然な形は、機能するために電気を必要としない楽器を手に取り、再び弦と手で演奏することだった “とディジェは言う。ネットで買った安い中古の楽器を集めて(見た目のカッコよさで)Digeがこれから作る曲は、1曲ごとに違う楽器で作曲し、シンセサイザーをなるべく使わないという挑戦の結果だそうです。


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