Interview with TETSUMASA – Berlin based musician from Japan

Tetsumasa is a Japanese electronic music producer, DJ and singer/rapper originally from Nagoya City. Deeply inspired by Downtempo, Hip-Hop, House, Dub and bass music in general.

Currently based in Berlin since 2016.

Lately his Live Performances have been hosted at Urban Spree for Libel Null Berlin, Griessmühle (Berlin), OHM Berlin, ATOM Festival (Ukraine).

Tetsumasa は名古屋市出身の日本の電子音楽プロデューサー、DJ、シンガー/ラッパーです。 ダウンテンポ、ヒップホップ、ハウス、ダブ、ベース ミュージック全般に深い影響を受けています。


最近では、彼のライブ パフォーマンスは、Libel Null ベルリン、Griessmühle (ベルリン)、OHM ベルリン、ATOM フェスティバル (ウクライナ) の Urban Spree でホストされています。

Tell us about your origin and story when and how you started making music. Was it something you discovered as a child or rather was an interest inspired by adult life? 

When I was a child, I listened to anime songs. One of my most memorable songs was a song on my father’s mix tape that I loved so much I listened to it over and over. I only recently found out that the song was called “Mad Pierrot”  by YMO aka Yellow Magic Orchestra.

After that, I got into Hip Hop. I’m the kind of person who has to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. So I started out rapping with Hip Hop DJs and then started making tracks on my AKAI MPC2000. After that, I started listening to music like Electronica and Dub Techno, and I seem to like electronic music in general.

いつ、どのように音楽を作り始めたのか、あなたの起源とストーリーについて教えてください。 それは子供の頃に発見したものですか、それとも大人になってからの興味でしたか?

子供の頃はアニソンとか聴いていました。あと印象に残っているのが父親のミックステープに収録されていたテクノの曲がすごい好きで何回も繰り返し聴いていました。割と最近知ったのですがその曲はYMOのMad Pierrotという曲でした。

その後はHip Hopにハマりました。僕はやりたくなったらやらないと気が済まない性格なので、最初はHip HopのDJとラップをして、それからAKAI MPC2000でバックトラックを作り始めました。その後はElectronicaやDub Technoのような音楽を聴き始めたり、僕はElectronic music全般が好きみたいです。

You come from Japan and live in Berlin. How do those places differ from each other and living in those cities?

I think the pace of life in Japan is fast and busy, and you have to take care of many things in a shorter time. In Berlin, the pace of life is slower, and I feel like I live more slowly in my own time. I think Berlin is a city full of freedom.

As for the music scene, I think Berlin is centered on techno, but in Japan, various genres are independent, and although it is good that there are various scenes, I feel that each scene is small.




picture of Tetsumasa by KEYI STUDIO ( )

You have big knowledge in music production, you are even able to master them yourself. Tell us about your experience and how you reached that level?

I think I’m the kind of person who listens to other people’s songs a lot. Sometimes I find out what makes them that they are good songs technically, and sometimes I listen to each track of them separately in my head. I observe a lot while listening so that might be helpful.

In addition, I’ve made various efforts to improve the quality of my sound. With the experience of continuous testing with the same hardware and plug-ins with the same settings, it is now easier than before to imagine what the results will be when you use what and how.

Even when listening to songs with a bad mix or watching videos on YouTube etc., if the balance is not good, my ears hurt and I feel quite disgusted, so I think that my ears are probably good. Even when I’m making songs, I make sure that I don’t feel uncomfortable with each track.





Congratulations on your new release! What can we expect from this release?

Thank you!

I make songs with an East Asia vibe & of course Japan, and my own identity in mind.

Also, this release is still early and there are many unreleased songs, so please look forward to it!

新刊発売おめでとうございます! このリリースから何が期待できますか?




How would you describe the new style you are approaching with your recent release? As we know previously you were into darker electronics and playing live at parties in Berlin like for example Liber Null, but you weren’t afraid to try something completely different.. What was the inspiration?

It could be possible I actually lost some opportunities by changing my style. I lost motivation to produce music in the style of darker electronics, which I used to do, for many reasons.

During my musical journey, I used to listen to a lot of different genres, but over the past few years, I started to hear more and more music that crossed over genres and had more freedom, and I wanted to challenge myself. So the style of music I am making now is very diverse, with some songs being Hip Hop, some being Bass Music, and some being House.

At the beginning, I was a little worried about making a big change in style, but I wanted to do it at the time, and I knew I would regret it if I didn’t. I am now challenging myself to make that kind of music, even though it is hard work, it also a satisfying journey.

最近のリリースでアプローチしている新しいスタイルをどのように説明しますか? 以前から知っていたように、あなたはよりダークなエレクトロニクスにハマり、Liber Null のようなベルリンのパーティーでライブ演奏をしていましたが、まったく違うことに挑戦することを恐れていませんでした.. インスピレーションは何でしたか?

スタイルを変えて実際いくつかのチャンスを失ったと思います。理由はたくさんありましたが以前やっていたDarker electronicsのようなスタイルの音楽を制作することにはモチベーションが保てなくなりました。

僕は元々様々のジャンルの音楽を聴いていたんですけど、その中で数年前からジャンルがクロスオーバーしている音楽がより一層増えて自由度も高く、自分も挑戦したくなりました。なので今僕が作っている音楽のスタイルは曲ごとにHip HopだったりBass MusicのようだったりHouseのような曲もあり多様な物が詰まってます。



press pictures Tetsumasa by KEYI STUDIO / Keyi Magazine

What do you think is essential while making tunes like you do? What is your favourite studio setup & secret of creating your music?

Mainly I use Ableton Live as my DAW and a bunch of samples, Arturia soft synths, and sometimes DSI Tetra as my sound source. I used to use a lot of outboards, but now I do most of my work on software.

I spend a lot of time creating rejected tracks until a song is good enough to use, and then I gather the usable pieces from the trash pile to create a single track. Additionally, I also take a walk in the park or go to different places from time to time to set my mind.

あなたのように曲を作る上で必要不可欠なことは何だと思いますか? 好きなスタジオのセットアップと音楽制作の秘訣は何ですか?

DAWはAbleton Liveで音源はサンプルを結構使ったりArturiaのソフトシンセと時々DSIのTetraを使用しています。以前は多くのアウトボードを使用していましたが今はほとんどソフト上で制作するようになりました。

僕の場合は曲が良くなるまで時間をかけボツトラックを大量に作りゴミの山から使えるものを集めて1つのトラックを作り上げています。 曲が一定のクオリティになるまでやり続けるのでクオリティが低くなることはないと思っています。


Could you reveal who are your favourite musicians of all time you always loved and why?

I have a lot of favorite musicians, so I can’t list them all, but if I had to force myself, the one I’ve listened to a lot for a long time is Gold Panda. It’s a music is often made up of samples, and I’m glad that the samples and how they’re used have a different flavor. I think club music is a little different, but I think that music that clearly conveys scenery and scenes through music is excellent music. Gold Panda’s music reminds me of a memorial scene of backpackers wandering around Asia.


好きなミュージシャンはたくさんいるので上げきれないんですけど、強いてあげるなら長い間よく聴いているのはGold Pandaです。Gold Pandaの音楽はサンプリングで構成されていることが多いんですけど、そのサンプルと使い方が雑味があって良いです。クラブミュージックは少し違うと思いますが僕は音楽を通じて何か景色や情景がはっきり浮かぶ音楽が優れた音楽だと思っています。Gold Pandaの音楽はバックパッカーがアジアを放浪するメモリアルな景色が目に浮かびますね。

Tetsumasa shot by KEYI STUDIO

Which things in your life are essential to keep you productive and happy? What would you advise to the starting musicians to keep them growing?

It takes a long time to make one song, so I’m really happy when the song is finished. It’s like when you finally reach the top of the mountain. Whenever I listen to that song later, I often think to myself that I was able to make such a song. So it would be great if someone was moved by my music.

I think it’s important for beginners to try various expressions without being afraid.




As we know you are also a talented programmer. Do you have other passions besides music?

Web design and coding work is quite busy now, so I feel like I’m doing a certain job every day. I’m running out of time, so I’m going to have to reduce my work.

Also, recently there have been occasional opportunities for me to work as a fashion model, so it would be nice if there were more of them.

私たちが知っているように、あなたは才能のあるプログラマーでもあります。 音楽以外に情熱を注いでいることはありますか?



What would be your dream event to perform at?

To be honest, I don’t know much about events, but I have a lot of friends who do Boiler Room and HÖR BERLIN, Panorama Bar and so on which I like to attend. 

I haven’t been DJing for a long time, but I’ve always liked it and I’m good at it, so I’d like to have more opportunities in the future.


そうですね。正直イベントとかはあまり詳しくないんですけど、先ずはBoiler RoomとかHÖR BERLINも友人が結構やってるので、出てみたいですね。後はPanorama Barとか。


Tetsumasa shot by KEYI STUDIO ( )

Talent: Tetsumasa @tetsumasa86

Pictures & styling: Keyi Studio

MUA : 202 @callme_202

Brands: Fade Out , Litichevskaya